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Born and raised in Texas and currently based in Chicago after 15 years in Virginia, I am continuously inspired by the golden haze of dreamscapes and nostalgia. Mostly self-taught, I have involved myself in art of all kinds for as long as I can remember!

Art Nouveau and Art Deco design, psychedelic poster art, book illustrations from the 1960s & ‘70s, vintage fashion and style, hand-drawn lettering and typography, decorative patterns, flowing lines of black and white, splashes of bright color, the power and transformative magic of music and how it dictates visions… these are all elements that influence and inform the work I create.

Specializing in hand-drawn & painted art, this lifelong passion for all things related to vintage style and design is frequently reflected in my work, which I have done on a freelance basis since 2011. Recent projects include album cover art, greeting card design, posters, textile print design, hand-lettering commissions, wedding & save-the-date announcements, spot illustrations for websites and more.